So there's interesting ways to do electronic enabled underwear, and then there's this.

Both were ad campaigns, and by youtube hits, both were successful. I still think Durex has an actually interesting idea. Ravijour, well, uh. Yeah. I'm not real sure who they're selling to with this one.

No word on whether the squirt watch algorithm works as a side channel attack for the pulse detection system in the bra, but expect a paper at blackhat next year.

Men's underwear that comes off via quickened pulse rate due to excitement and "love" have been on the market for a while now under the name "Any underwear ever." (Yes I am going to reuse this joke into the fucking ground.)

via Tokyo Kinky but I'm like a week late to this so it's been covered by every decent sized media outlet anyways because that's where we are with news like this, yup. Ad campaign successful.